「Steel demand」熱門搜尋資訊

Steel demand

「Steel demand」文章包含有:「worldsteelShortRangeOutlookOctober2023」、「ShortRangeOutlookOctober2023」、「WorldSteelinFigures2022」、「worldsteelShortRangeOutlookApril2023」、「SteelStatistics」、「Globalsteeldemandlikelytorise1.8%in2023」、「Worldsteelreviseditsforecastforglobalsteeldemandin...」、「Globalsteeldemandtogrowby2.3percentin2023」、「Forecastingthesteeldemandin2030」、「Theresilienceofsteel」

World Steel AssociationWorld Steel in Figures 2023世界鋼鐵協會
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worldsteel Short Range Outlook October 2023
worldsteel Short Range Outlook October 2023


worldsteel forecasts that steel demand will grow by 1.8% in 2023 and reach 1,814.5 Mt after contracting by 3.3% in 2022. In 2024, steel demand ...

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Short Range Outlook October 2023
Short Range Outlook October 2023


Steel demand, finished steel. Last updated on 17 October 2023. World. World. 2023 +1.8% 1 814.5Mt. 2024 +1.9% 1 849.1Mt. Twice a year, worldsteel publishes its ...

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World Steel in Figures 2022
World Steel in Figures 2022


However, we have forecasted that steel demand will grow by 0.4% in 2022 to reach 1840.2 Mt. In 2023, steel demand will see further growth of 2.2% to reach 1 ...

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worldsteel Short Range Outlook April 2023
worldsteel Short Range Outlook April 2023


As China's population declines and moves to consumption-driven growth, its contribution to global steel demand growth will lessen. Future ...

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Steel Statistics
Steel Statistics


Steel Data Viewer. Monthly crude steel production. Annual steel data. Production, trade, and use. Short Range Outlook. Steel demand forecast. Madrid, Spain ...

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Global steel demand likely to rise 1.8% in 2023
Global steel demand likely to rise 1.8% in 2023


Worldsteel forecasts 1.8% growth in global steel demand in 2023, 1.9% in 2024. India's steel demand is expected to show healthy growth of ...

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Worldsteel revised its forecast for global steel demand in ...
Worldsteel revised its forecast for global steel demand in ...


Global demand for steel is expected to grow by 1.8% in 2023 and by 1.9% – in 2024.

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Global steel demand to grow by 2.3 percent in 2023
Global steel demand to grow by 2.3 percent in 2023


In 2023, the world demand for steel will increase by 2.4% compared to 2022 – up to 1.822 billion tons. This assessment was given in its short- ...

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Forecasting the steel demand in 2030
Forecasting the steel demand in 2030


Forecasting steel demand in 2030 for European steel producers. Our models forecast an increase in steel demand in the main sales areas for European steel to ...

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The resilience of steel
The resilience of steel


First, forecasts show an unevenly distributed slowdown in global steel demand across regions and industries. The “normalization” of demand ...